The Technicians working in Indigo and Go first Continues mass sick leave protest against less pay.
It all started in Hyderabad and now has reached the whole of India on various bases.
Go First Technicians’ Sick leave Continues
Go first technicians supported the Indigo Technicians’ mass sick leave protest against Low salaries.
The staff of Go First has not yet received its monthly salary and is struggling with long work hours.
Today, Bangalore and Mumbai Go first bases have reported mass sick leave to raise their voices against unfair treatment.
Technicians are hardly getting 8K-10K per month which is way lower than Government norms on Minimum wages for skilled manpower.
Go First Technicians have supported Indigo technicians and requested other airline engineering staff to join them.
Go First Technicians Demands
Technicians have basic demands which are as follows
- They want revision in salary structure
- Proper working Hours
- On-time salary and no delay in monthly salary
- On-time issue of Uniforms, winter wear, rain jackets, and most importantly safety equipment.
- Finally, they want Travel allowances
Technicians are asking for Basic yet very crucial things and we request the airline to Look into this Matter and kindly resolve it.
IndiGo Technicians’ sick leave continues straight for 3rd Day
Many Indigo base technicians continue mass sick leave protest for a straight 3rd day.
Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, Indore, Kolkata, Bhopal, Trivandrum, Cochin, etc are a few to name.
Indigo senior staff has warned technicians and requested them to report their respective bases.
The Technician, Told us to Remain Unknown has mentioned that such sick leave will continue on other bases until demand is met.
Support For Aircraft Technicians
Many Top media houses reported this incident yesterday and spread awareness about the issues technicians are facing daily.
Also, Many Technicians in India have united and given full support to this mass protest against less pay.
We Stand United
The IndiGo Management must talk with Technicians and solve their issues by raising base pay and reducing workload.
GoFirst should pay on time and proper salary to its qualified and Hardworking technicians.
Due to the availability of immense manpower, such airlines continue to exploit qualified professionals.
We stand together with Such Brave and qualified technicians for better pay, work schedule, and a Safe Environment.
If we didn’t raise our voice against this unfair treatment then corporations will continue such exploitations.
Join this Mass moment for a Better tomorrow.
Check Out: IndiGo Technicians took mass sick leave at Hyderabad | Exclusive News
Read Also: IndiGo Technician’s Mass Sick leave Continues at Delhi Airport | Exclusive & LIVE update
Also check: After IndiGo, Go First Technicians reported mass sick leave | Exclusive
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