On Wednesday, India’s Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia told Parliament in detail about some of his ministry’s plans. Among the things discussed was his vision for the aviation sector in India, including building new airports, flight schools, and dedicated cargo terminals.
New Airports
The Meghalaya High Court directed the state government to file a preliminary statement on building a new airport or expanding the existing one, as the Airport Authority of India (AAI) tells extension of runways at Shillong Airport may not be possible.
The proposed Greenfield Airport in Hollongi is designed for operations of the A-320 category of aircraft as well as a future extension of the Runway by 500 meters distance to cater A-321 type of aircraft.
On March 21, the Mexican government will inaugurate the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (IATA code, NLU), north of Mexico City. The new airport will function as part of a metropolitan system of airports aimed to ease the saturation levels at Mexico City International Airport (MEX). But, will it work? Let’s take a look at the challenges NLU has.
The Central government feels that the new airport terminal in Kolkata should have the capacity to take about 10,000 to 11,000 peak passenger traffic per day.