A plea has been filed in Delhi High Court, demanding that all SpiceJet flights be grounded amid back-to-back malfunctions. The plea also mentioned that the flights should be stopped to avert a major incident, where there can be a big loss of life and property.
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Trouble for Indian low-cost carrier Spicejet will increase as the pilot has called for a no-fly day, Spicejet Pilots can go on Leave.
Go First management after meeting Technicians in Mumbai have told to report to duty otherwise Get ready for strict action.
SpiceJet, which was already under fire from regulators for a spate of flaws, discovered another technical fault, purportedly on a flight to Dubai.
The Kingfisher Airlines fiasco resumes haunting its owner and employees even a decade later. An Indian airline has gone from promising 5-star service to passengers to operating out of funds to pay its employees. Its owner, Vijay Mallya, who is now in the UK, is often in the information at court trials, and every time a new sentence is declared, he scratches the wounds of several former workers who are still waiting for their dues to be paid.
India’s aviation industry is rapidly growing as airport operators and airlines increase capacity in response to the pandemic’s spike in travel.
According to Chief Executive Officer Vinay Dube, Akasa Air, India’s newest airline, plans to launch its commercial operations
Due to grave safety concerns, two flying training schools have ceased operations, according to a statement released on Saturday.
A probe has been started into the fire in a Delhi-bound SpiceJet aircraft after take-off from Patna and two other air incidents, involving the IndiGo and SpiceJet flights, a senior official of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said on Monday.